
Happy Sunday...God Bess You

Happy Sunday...God Bless you  Yesterday was amazing I took the day off for just me and I went to the Ladies Jubilee. It was fun  I got alot from the speakers; just what I needed to get back serving again. The theme was Pattern for  living. Scripture  Titus 2:7 : In all things Shewing thyself  a pattern of good works..." Patterns of a healthy esteem  Psalms 139, Romans 8:4 Pattern of Love  Titus 2:3-6, Psalms 119:165, 2 Corinthians 13  Go,God, Others  we are to go out and lead others to Christ Matthew 28:19-20 Go for God   John 3:7-9  go and witness to others, use your testamony tell others  how God saved you and what he does for you and how you have changed since you  were born again.   Believe and trust in God, Give out tracts, carry them in your purse or pocket, give them out  talk to  people  GO WITH GOD'S POWER  God does not wanting his people going to hell. The lake of Fire was made for Satan and the fallin angels Sew in Love.. 1 Corinthians 13:


Welcome to Less than Perfect Quilts this blog was made because I am  an Epileptic I have for 30 years I was diagnosed in the summer of 1985 with Absence (Petite Mal) Seizures I was not even 14 yet I was going to be 14 in September and I was about to go to high School.  I was a teen almost the Worst time in my life to have something like this happen to me, Like it was not enough. My doctor told me if I am good and take my Pills the way I am suppose to It should just go away. But if I don't well it will just get worse.  Well  did not like the news I was told but I did believe him and I did believe him and he had to adjust my medication every so often. But by The time I was 18 I was having Grand Mals  for Years on End No Medication was really doing the job and now I have Generalized Absenced Seizures. Less Than Perfect Quilts is Dedicated to Making Quilts for Epilepsy Awareness these Quilts are patch work design made by me. They are my design.